Home > 3rd Infantry Division Iraqi Freedom Patch
3rd Infantry Division Iraqi Freedom Patch

Product Description
The 3rd Infantry Division, in April 2003, spearheaded Coalition forces in Operation Iraqi Freedom, fighting its way to Baghdad in early April, leading to the end of the Saddam Hussein government. The First Brigade captured and secured the Baghdad International Airport, which also resulted in the Division's first Medal of Honor since the Korean War, awarded to SFC Paul Ray Smith. Second Brigade, Third Infantry division made the much-publicized "Thunder Run" into downtown Baghdad. The Second Brigade was redeployed to Fallujah, Iraq during the summer of 2003. The division returned to the United States in August, 2003.
In January 2005, the Third Infantry Division became the first Army Division to serve a second tour in Iraq. The division headquarters took control of the Multi-National Division Baghdad, MND-B, headquartered at Camp Liberty and with responsibility for the greater Baghdad area.
Our 3rd Infantry Division Operation Iraqi Freedom Patch is a 4 inch, full color, 100% embroidered military patch. This patch would be a great gift idea and a wonderful addition to your patch collection.
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