Master Parachutist Badge Silver-Oxide Finish

Product Description
The wings suggest flight and, together with the open parachute, symbolize individual proficiency and parachute qualifications. A star and wreath are added above the parachute canopy to indicate the degree of qualification.
Master Parachutist Badges are awarded to individuals rated excellent in character and efficiency who has satisfactorily completed the prescribed proficiency tests while assigned or attached to an airborne unit or the Airborne Department of the Infantry School; or participated in at least one combat parachute jump.
Participated in 65 jumps to include 25 jumps with combat equipment; four night jumps, one of which is as a jumpmaster of a stick; five mass tactical jumps which culminate in an airborne assault problem with a unit equivalent to a battalion or larger, a separate company/battery, or organic staff of a regiment size or larger; graduated from the Jumpmaster Course; and served in jump status with an airborne unit or other organization authorized parachutists for a total of at least 36 months.
Our Master Parachutist Wings are a oxidized silver badge 1 13/64 inches in height and 1 1/2 inches in width, consisting of an open parachute on and over a pair of stylized wings displayed and curving inward with a star and wreath above the canopy. This is the same badge that is supplied to the U.S. Army and sold in the Army Post Exchanges.
If you need assistance ordering or would like to order by telephone please call us toll free at 1-800-864-5062 and one of our customer service representatives will assist you.
Vets Supply Line
10550 County Road 81
Suite 218
Maple Grove MN 55369
Tel: 1-800-864-5062
M-Th 10:00 am to 4:00 pm (CST)
Closed all Federal Post Office Holidays
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